This Department is concerned with Oral Surgical Procedures like Surgical Removal of Third Molar(Wisdom Tooth), Difficult Tooth Extractions, Jaw Fractures etc.
We are proud to introduce you to our following Consultants
Dr.Shardul Lokare (since 2012)
Following Surgical Treatments are available at our clinic:-
1) Tooth Extractions
2) Transalveolar (Surgical ) Tooth Extractions
3) Dis-impaction of Third Molar (Surgical Removal of Third Molar)
4) Peripheral Neurectomy
5) Alveoplasty
6) Inter-Maxillary Fixation for Jaw Fracture
7) Enucleation / marsupialisation of Cysts
8) Dental Implants
9) Apicocectomy / Apical Curettage